Side Step Manoeuver
Side step manoeuver can be applied in airports with two or more parallel runways close to each other. It is applicable if permitted by national aviation authorities. It is a manoeuver conducted on the last phase of an instrument approach for landing to adjacent parallel runway, not the runway that the aircraft approached.
The ATC in charge clearance will specify the approach procedure to be flown as well as the landing runway. For example, “cleared ILS approach runway 26 left, side-step to runway 26 right”, or similar wording.

Side step manoeuver can be used for many reasons.
– Not all parallel runways have an ILS system, but the runway with ILS may not be suitable for landing. For example, maintenance work may be underway on the runway with ILS, but meteorological or other conditions require the aircraft to make an ILS approach. In such an example, the plane can approach the runway with ILS and land on the runway in use with the side step manoeuver.
Side step manoeuver has some benefits. It can increase the operational capacity of the airport. It can facilitate air traffic management. It enables uninterrupted airport operation.
On the other hand, This manoeuver carries some risks. It is a manoeuver made in the final phase of the ILS approach and is a relatively sharp one. In addition, one of the biggest risks of this manoeuver is that the plane lands on the wrong runway. Similarly, there is a great risk that the plane to land on a parallel taxiway.
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