
Intersection Takeoff

An intersection takeoff is a departure from another lineup position instead of the runway end, without using the entire lenght of runway. You can see the figure below.

Before going further we must point that certain Phraseology must be used between the pilot and ATC communication while performing a interfection Take-off. Pilot must be informed about the available reduced take-off run distance. For further reading about Phraseology visit related skybrary article.

Intersection Takeoff

In airport operations, intersection takeoff is applied for many reasons. It can be conduct after the approval of the Air Traffic controller – ATC in charge. And pilot may request it for many reasons. Let’s look to some.

It can be applied to speed up aircraft traffic.

Can be requested by the pilot of the plane to reduce the taxi time.

It may be necessary, due to the maintenance work on taxiway/runway.

Light category aircraft and business jets generally need shorter distances for take-off than airliner aircraft. It can be requested by the pilots of this type of aircraft.

The intersection takeoff positively reduces taxi time, reduces fuel consumption, reduces noise pollution and aircraft emits less carbon monoxide.

Besides, the intersection takeoff implementation also carries some risks. For example, if an aircraft experiences a problem while conducting, the available runway remaining to abort the takeoff or perform an emergency landing is reduced or eliminated, resulting in greater risk of injury or aircraft damage.