Flight Attendant Salaries 2020
In this article we are going to cover the average salaries of Flight Attendants for countries globally. Before we start there are some points that I want to indicate. Maybe you are a candidate having a research and you are curious about salaries of Flight Attendants. Being a FA has some difficulties which potential candidates must take into consideration before stepping in. It is fair to say that they are one of the frontline warriors in aviation industry and the major responsibility of customer satisfaction is on their shoulders. They must always be elegant, well looking. Working with high and positive energy with a smiling face is essential. In addition, all long term health effects of working irregular hours also a major factor which must be taken into consideration. Bad news first ?
On the other hand, it has lots of benefits. As its nature being a cabin crew means “travelling for free”. As a cabin crew you will have a chance to travel and improve your vision. Moreover, it is a globally recognized proficiency that you may find lots of international companies to work for. It may be considered as the first step of a brilliant career in aviation industry. It is easy to expand the positives.
(Further reading about being a Flight Attendant www.cosmopolitan.com)
Now let’s come to our point: Salaries. I will give detailed numbers from all over the World and there will be at least one data from every continent which will help you to build a good frame.
While comparing the numbers among countries take into consideration the purchasing power and economic situation of the countries. For example, in country A you may build a better life with a lower salary than in country B.

United States of America
Flight Attendant salaries range between 28.950$ to 80.870$ per year in USA and the average salary is 56.000$ per year. With a simple calculation average monthly salary of a Flight attendant equals to 4.666$ per month.
United Kingdom
A person working as a FA in UK typically earns average of 47.200 GBP per year. And the range is between 21.700 GBP to 75.000 GBP. With a simple math average monthly salary of a Flight Attendant in U.K is 3.930 GBP per month.
A Flight Attendant in France typically earns average of 33,100EUR per year. The salary range varies between 16.200 EUR to 51.700 EUR. When we calculate it makes 2.760 EUR per month.
Flight Attendants earn average of 19.200 CNY per month and the number ranges between 9.390 CNY to 29.900 CNY. 1 CNY equals around 0.14 $ and with a simple math 19.200 * 0.14 = 2.688 $ per month.
In Russia the average salary of a Flight Attendant is 67.300 RUB per month, and varies between 33.000 RUB to 105.000 RUB. 1 RUB = 0.014 $ means 67.300 * 0.014 = 942 $ per month.
A person working as a Flight Attendant in Brazil typically earns around 5.980 BRL per month. Salaries range from 2.750 BRL to 9.510 BRL. 1 BRL is equal to 0.18 $ and it makes 5.980 * 0.18 = 1.076 $ per month.
In India the average salary of a Flight Attendant is 21.900 INR per month. Salaries range from 11.400 INR to 33.400 INR. 1 INR equals to 0.013 $ that means 21.900 * 0.013 = 284 $ per month.
A Flight Attendant in Australia earns average of 66.200 AUD per year. Salaries range from 34.400 AUD (lowest) to 101.000 AUD (highest). This means 5.510 AUD per month and 1 AUD = 0.66 $ means 5.510 AUD equals to 3.636 $ per month.
A flight attendant in Norway earns around 414.000 NOK per year. The salary varies between 190.000 NOK to 658.000 NOK. 1 NOK = 0.10 $ and it makes 414.000 * 0.10 = 41.400 $ per year, 41.400 / 12 = 3.450 $ per month.
A Flight Attendant working in Canada earns around 82.800 CAD per year. Salaries range from 40.600 CAD to 129.000 CAD. 1 CAD = 0.72 $ means 82.800 / 12 = 6.900 CAD, 6.900 * 0.72 = 4.968 $ per month.
(Data obtained from www.careerexplorer.com , www.salaryexplorer.com).
As you see salaries differ according to countries, moreover it is up to you to consider if these amounts are matching with your expectations or not. Keep in mind that the exchange rates are for the date 21.06.2020 and may differ drastically for some countries.
I hope that this article helps you to build a good frame about income of Flight Attendants and again if you are a potential candidate I highly recommend to consider all sides (positives and negatives).