
Drogue Parachute

Drogue parachute, also known as drag parachutes or brake parachutes, are used for many purposes. Some of them are:

  • -They are used to slow down the speed of airplanes or other vehicles.
  • -As a pilot parachute to place a larger parachute.
  • -Used to maintain control and stability to the aircraft deployed.

They are very effective especially for high speed military aircraft to slow down while landing.

Drag parachutes are effective for landing on wet or icy runways and high speed emergency landing. Originally developed for use under such conditions, these parachutes proved to be so effective that they are now used on all landings, resulting in a significant pressure reduction in landing gear.

But drogues are more than just landing aids. They’re multitalented marvels, serving in various aviation roles:

  • Military Might: High-performance jets need all the stopping power they can get. Drogue chutes help these aerial predators decelerate sharply, allowing for shorter landings on aircraft carriers or rough airstrips.
  • Space Savior: Remember those thrilling space capsule returns? Drogue parachutes are often the first to deploy, providing initial drag before the main chutes unfurl, ensuring a smooth re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Stability in the Skies: Drogue chutes aren’t just about slowing down. They can also stabilize unstable aircraft, preventing dangerous spins or oscillations during testing or emergency situations.

The drogue parachute was invented in 1912 by Russian professor and parachute expert Gleb Kotelnikov. Kotelnikov also invented the backpack parachute. The Soviet Union introduced its first aircraft equipped with drogue parachutes in the mid-1930s; The use of this technology expanded during and after the Second World War. Large number of jet engine aircraft also were equipped with drogue parachutes.

Drogue chute
Drogue Parachute – Drogue Chute

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